

1. Click on the items you wish to order, and add to basket.

2. Fill out the online form and make your order.

3. Pay to IBAN: HR8823600001101668914 (Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia).
Recipient: KEK, D.Kalea 2, ZAGREB.
For orders from abroad, it is mandatory to add the SWIFT address: ZABAHR2X
The model and reference number (“Model” and “poziv na broj”) are not necessary,
since we will recognize payments by the name and surname provided in the email sent by the paying party.

4. Send confirmation of the payment to the email knjigovodstvo@rostuhar.com.

5. The books will be sent to your address as soon as the payment is visible in our account.

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